Kindness Countdown to the Holidays

A Kindness Countdown to Christmas Calendar is a fun way to spread holiday cheer and focus on giving without buying presents. We offer these ideas to help you create your own Kindness Calendar, or to celebrate the Eight Nights of Hanukkah, the 12 Days of Christmas, or ring in the New Year. There are two lists, one for adults and one for children, but we encourage you to use this as a starting point and be creative!
You can create a calendar, or simply write each idea on a piece of paper and draw them from a hat or bowl each day!
Adult List
Tell someone what you appreciate about them
Donate something you don’t need
Do a chore or favor for someone
Smile at everyone you see today
Connect a charity to your Amazon account
Clean up a mess you didn’t make
Send a handwritten note to someone
Pay someone an unexpected compliment
Send a message of encouragement to someone who needs it
Do something to make your home feel festive
Forgive, or apologize to, someone
Leave a surprise for someone
Try not to complain about anything for the whole day
Reach out to someone you haven’t spoken to in a while
Ask someone how their day is going, and listen
Share food with someone who needs it
Write a positive review for a business online
Ask someone else to engage in random kindness
Let someone else take the first turn
Leave an encouraging note in a public place
Pick up some litter
Do something kind for yourself
Pay a stranger a compliment
Next time you eat out, leave an extra big tip
Sit down with your family so everyone can say what they’re thankful for
Children's List
Tell someone why they’re great
Say “hello” to someone new today
Smile at everyone you see today
Read a book with someone
Help someone clean up today
Pay someone an unexpected compliment
Think of a way to show a parent that you love them
Give a sibling a big hug or a kiss
Leave a surprise for someone
Draw a picture for someone special
Call or write to someone you care about
Try not to complain about anything for the whole day
Ask someone how their day is going, and listen
Tell a grandparent that you love them
Help a friend at school today
Clean up a mess you didn’t make
Spend some special time with a pet
Pick up some litter
Take a little surprise to your teacher
Do something kind for yourself
Write a thank you note for your mail carrier
Make someone laugh
Let someone else take the first turn
Help make dinner
Sit down with your family so everyone can say what they’re thankful for