We all go through times where we are more than sad--we are down and feel like we may never get up again.
This may be particularly true now. As we write this, people are still dying in Gaza and Ukraine, out-of-control wildfires are decimating Southern California, and the US has just sworn in a tribe of hate-driven individuals to lead it for the next four years.
But when you feel a sense of despair, there is always a way through. Remember that change is the only constant in life. So that when things feel terrible, we can be certain that they will shift at some point. Also remember that you have experienced many difficulties in your past, and you have survived everything that life has thrown at you so far...which means that you can thoroughly and wholeheartedly embrace this affirmation: I trust that I will be able to handle whatever happens.
Finally, now is the time to hold tight to the people who matter most to you. Together, we can get through whatever comes and build a better future for us all.
Sending you Love and Light, and wishing you peace--take care of yourselves and those you love in the coming days.