If you are feeling despair after the Red Wave that washed over this week's election, you are not alone.
We won't lie--in the last few days, we have vascillated between disbelief, grief, anger, and fear--trying desperately to keep hopelessness at bay. While these feelings are natural, and it is heathy to acknowledge and feel them, we can't allow ourselves to be mired down by them. There is work to do.
We also acknowledge that, right now, the job ahead seems enormous, and the way forward, unclear. On the face of it, anything one individual can do is simply a drop in the bucket, compared to what is needed. And who are we to presume we know what should be done in this moment?
But there is one thing we do know: Those of us who want to live in a world centered in kindness, compassion, love, and inclusion are precisely the kind of people who should be leading now--especially if we have been on a healing journey in our lives. There is much we have learned on that journey that will be helpful now. Give our November 9, 2024 podcast a listen to learn how...